We’re excited to announce that registrations for 2021 are now open!
All players need to register for the 2021 winter season online via MyComet. Junior football grades are First Kicks (4-6 year olds), and then individual age grades from U7-U15. See below for full details on how to register along with information you need to know about the season.
Registration and fees: First Kicks (4-6 years): $80 U13 – U15: $135 Note: U7 – U15 fees includes a team photo. |
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Registration and open day:
Saturday 13 February 11am-1pm
Come along if you have any questions or need help with the online registration process. You will be able to pay by EFTPOS or cash on the day. We’ll also have some fun activities planned.
To register if your child already has a MyCOMET login:
- Click the link below for your child’s age group, login and you will be taken directly to the item details page. Use the forgot password link if you need to reset your password.
- Click add to cart at the top of the page. Once the item is in the cart you will see the cart showing one item in the top right corner.
3. Click the cart to see the item and then click proceed to checkout to continue. You can pay via credit card, or pay later. To pay by bank deposit please make payment to:
Stop Out bank account: 03-0543-0005123-01. In the particulars please put the players Name and grade. *Note the 2.5% credit card fee only applies if you are paying online by credit card.
If your child hasn’t played football before, then you will need to set-up a profile before registering. Click on the age group link below and then New user? Register on the login screen.
The grade your child plays in is based on the age that they turn this year. So for example if your child turns 10 in 2021, then they will play in U10 grade. Girls can play down one grade if they wish. |
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Registration links:
First Kicks – 4-6 years (born 2013-2015) – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1209296084
U7 – born 2014 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1208771393
U8 – born 2013 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1208780936
U9 – born 2012 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1208771399
U10 – born 2011 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1208781043
U11 – born 2010 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1208781046
U12 – born 2009 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1208790593
U13 – born 2008 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1209267126
U15* – born 2007 or 2006 – https://mycomet-oceania.analyticom.de/my-comet/itemDetails/1209267129
* Note: this is a double-banded grade. 2006 players are also eligible to play U17’s.
Girls Sunday leagues – please click on this link and register an expression of interest if you are keen to play in the Girls Sunday leagues. Girls can play in the Saturday (mixed) leagues, Sunday leagues or both. There is an additional charge to play in the Sunday league – cost to be advised. Girls are also welcome to attend the free Girls sessions on Sunday 24 and 31 February. See our Facebook page for more details.
Please make sure you register your child for the correct age group.
Season dates
The junior football season runs from 10 April to 28 August on a Saturday morning for all grades and teams, except for the U13 and U15 TDP teams who will play on a Sunday.
Note: the only weekends during the season that there is no scheduled football games in the middle weekend of the April and July school holidays – 24/25 April and 17/18 July.
Trials are held for U9 – U15 starting in mid-February. Trial dates, times and information on the trial format for each grade will be available shortly. Pre-season training will start once teams are named.
Playing strip/kit
A Stop Out shirt will be provided (to be returned at the end of the season) and you will need to purchase black Stop Out shorts ($25-$35) and red socks ($15). These are available for purchase from The Soccer Shop at this link- https://www.nzsoccershop.co.nz/products/category/165/stop-out-sc
Please make sure you check the sizing guide as the shorts are quite small fitting. There are some optional items such as hoodies which are also available to purchase if you wish.
For First Kicks players it is optional to purchase Stop Out shorts and socks.
All players must wear shin pads which can be purchased at any sports store.
Talent Development Programme
Stop Out has accreditation as a Talent Development Programme (TDP) provider in 2021 for youth players (U13-U17). The U13 and U15 TDP teams play in the Capital Development Leagues. In 2021 these leagues will be played on a Sunday morning. There is an additional fee for TDP teams and further information about the TDP will be sent to those age grades.
First Kicks, U7 and U8
First Kicks, U7 and U8 grade is held every Saturday morning at Hutt Park. We are hoping to have the use of Hutt Indoor Sports if the weather is inclement or the Hutt Park grounds are closed so football is on every week (funding dependent). U7 and U8 have in-house sessions and also take part in Capital Football festivals with other clubs around the Hutt Valley every three weeks.
Keep updated
Like our facebook page for updates and current information.
If you have any questions, please email juniors@stopout.org.nz